It is located at a merge point for an on-ramp to US 81 South. I find it funny since I always imagine that the top sign came first, then someone decided that the information was not presented plainly enough and added the lower one.
We have been having something of a hot snap here the last couple of weeks, with temperatures reaching into the mid 90's with the humidity trying to match it. The work doesn't stop around the farm when it is hot.
Barn thermometer.
Bella is smart enough to get out of the sun.
Unlike the crazy farmers. Here Julia is planting another round of sweet corn.
I hooked up an automatic waterer for the piglets.
But they still enjoy taking a bath to cool off.
My new farm hat and lots of water have been a must.
The reward for all this hot work -- a fresh ham on the BBQ with some deviled eggs and sauted spinach.