One of my jobs on the farm is keeping predators from harming our livestock and crops. I have a fairly broad definition of predator -- cotton tail rabbit eating our strawberry plants is a predator -- and generally don't mind the job. To date I have taken care of a number of rabbits, one
skunk, and one groundhog (or whistle pig). Must mention that I am not positive about the groundhog since he got away, but I am pretty sure I got him with the .22 rifle.
Last night I was feeding the peeps -- 20 some chickens and 8 Chinese geese -- that are brooding in a stall in the barn. The geese had been getting out of the small plastic pool that we were keeping them in so I decided to pull it out to let them run about the stall just like the chickens. Well, I pull the pool away from the wall and I am greeted by a rather large black snake. As I find out later, he was in the middle of making a meal out of one of our Delaware peeps, and based on our count already had helped himself to another sometime earlier. To most people this wouldn't be a big deal, as I mentioned I am in charge of killing on the farm, but I am irrationally afraid of snakes. Just thinking about them gives me the heebie jeebies, but I was mad and this snake was eating my chickens, so I grabbed a shovel and dispatched the snake. I went inside to get the kids before I tossed the snake in the hedgerow since they get mad at me if I don't let them see the carnage. The first thing my 7 year old son says is, "Dad you conquered your fear, I am so proud of you!" To say there was something of a role reversal is an understatement. Sam took this picture of me with the snake on the end of the shovel.