Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Market Garden -- Update #1

Here is the first of my promised market garden updates. The corn is doing surprisingly well given the little rain. The first planting has tasseled out and the other three plantings are all going strong. We have our first beans in with our corn and will likely need to start harvesting them this week. We have already harvested some zucchini and there are numerous yellow squash coming along. The yukon gold and fingerling potatoes are continuing to do well, but I am still waiting for the red nordlands that I re-planted to pop. I am hopeful that they will soon, otherwise we will have a diminished potato harvest this year. On Sunday I dug two more of the floundering rows from the upper plot. While the potatoes are still tasty, their yield leaves much to be desired.


Danielle said...

I still want a copy of the market garden...um, and for you to show me how to use illustrator so I can update it. I have lots of stuff in behind the corn and before the potatoes that I'd like to add in there.

One of my big beautiful zucchini plants got a borer I think. Damn! I just planted several more seeds today. We've been so warm, heck, summer might last for an extra month or so at least.

Marye said...

wow...that is looking really good! Ours is absolutely getting too much rain this year..which is unheard of in Texas.