Monday, March 10, 2008

Snug as pigs in straw

Well that might not be the correct saying, but these little guys and gals seem pretty happy.

They are our first litter of Tamworths here on the farm so we are probably obsessing a little over them. You can see that we have two distinct color variations blonde and red. Danielle thinks that all the blondes are females, but I will request that you all refrain from the dumb blonde jokes.

I look in on them when I feed the pigs, since their mama Maya is distracted. Big Boy, the sire is in an adjoining pen and has been foaming at the mouth a number of times when I came near. I guess he is anxious to protect his offspring, which is a good thing, but might make our barrowing of the boys difficult. He calms down when he has food in front of him so we might have to feed both Mama and Papa and see if we can abscond with the boys. Will let you know how that goes.


Danielle said...

Danielle did not say that. I said that two of the blonds were gilts, that there might be one red gilt, and that I think the rest are males.

Sheesh. Sometimes I think he just doesn't listen. ;)

Tams can range from a light to a dark red.

Woody said...

You two make such a cute

Marci said...

I am anxious to hear how this goes for you. Wish you were closer.

Frogcreek said...

Those have got to be the cutest little faces!-K