Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ice Storm

We got an ice storm Saturday night/Sunday morning. We got off light compared to the midwest but everything did get a thick glaze of ice.

Julia came out to help me tend the animals, and had a lot of fun knocking the ice off the fences and gates.

All the animals weathered the storm fine. Luckily the pigs and sheep respect the electric netting since the thick glaze of ice would have prevented it from shocking them.

A large branch from a neighbors evergreen came down due to the ice landing on our fence. After cutting it free with the chainsaw, the fence rebounded, although I may need to add a t-post at the spot to take out the slight bow that is left.

The asparagus stalks were finished off by the ice. They were ready to be cut down anyway, but they do make quite a tangled mess.

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