Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Market Garden -- Update #3

Here is what the market garden looked like last night. We were lucky enough to get over an inch of rain last Thursday on top of the half inch or so we received over the last two weeks. Thanks to the rain things are finally starting to green up a little. We are still in drought conditions but at least the plants are growing some and the pastures are starting to recover. The rain also has the weeds growing again, so we need to get on top of them before they start to take over.

The first two plantings of corn had good yields, however the corn worm pressure is increasing so we will have to try to stave them off to save the last couple of plantings. We are leaving the stalks in place until they dry out, then we will harvest them and put them up in the barn for winter feed. I have hand dug most of the Yukon Gold potatoes and while they still taste great their yield has been abysmal. I need to get the tractor in with the potato plow to get the rest this weekend.

For comparison here are the photos from July 21st

July 3rd

and June 19th


Danielle said...

Hey, that's me with my big melon! ;)

I love seeing the garden all laid out like that; I'm so glad you decided to do this series. I'm always surprised how much things have really grown despite the lack of rain.

Speaking of getting on top of those weeds...I think I have somewhere I ought to be.

Marye said...

wow...it is going really well!

Kush said...

Thanks. The rains as of late have been a big help.